The Cockney Matinee: Wednesday 11th December.

The Cockney Matinee: Wednesday 11th December 2024. The Tereza Joanne is a large and spacious banqueting and party venue in London’s Royal Docks.  The Cockney Matinee is an afternoon of good old fashioned entertainment with a brilliant three piece Cockney band, a lot of laughs and absolutely no bad language at all. Flag waving, sing-a-long, dancing, Okey Cokey fun. A really uplifting afternoon. Arrive from 11.30am for Midday start and head home at 3.30pm. The afternoon includes Christmas Lunch, all the trimmings, Apple Pie & Custard, Tea/Coffee. Price £69.00 per person. Coach will depart Stevenage at 10.00.


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